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Support ChildSafe's Journey

ChildSafe Goal


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Thank you for helping our team support some of the amazing organizations we will visit in Cambodia. This page is is setup to collect donations for the Fort Collins Mini-Group: Megan Baker, Maddy Nirschl, Taryn MacKinney, Ethan Dayton, Lexie Flickinger, Laurelle Haywood-Morimitsu and Caynen Hansen.

This Group is supporting ChildSafe. Thank you for your contribution!

The ChildSafe Network was created and is managed by Friends-International with the goal being to form a proactive child-protection network involving key members of society, protecting children from all forms of abuse and preventing child exploitation and trafficking. People are often faced with or witness a situation that can be harmful to a child. But too often, this person is either unable to recognize the risk or does not know how to respond. In some cases, poverty, fear, or survival needs, push a person to support child abuse (for example a taxi driver facilitating access to children for sex or a guesthouse receptionist looking away from potential abusive behaviors from clients).
Friends-International recognizes that simple morality-based messages are not sufficient and not efficient; therefore the ‘ChildSafe’ campaign emphasizes a change in behavior through an economic (enlightened self interest) perspective. Through the use of social marketing tools, ‘ChildSafe’ provides clear messages and promotes behaviors that provide an opportunity to improve income while protecting children: “Good Clients, Good Business”.