← Global Explorers Blog
As a father of three children, I’m always asking people for guiding principles for raising kids. I’ve received a lot of input from folks, but three items always seem to rise to the top. One of these is to keep them busy and active, with the real goal that they will discover PASSION. Once they latch onto passion, it will spread throughout all of their other activities.
Two of my sons have participated in Global Explorers programs and their experiences had a tremendous impact on them. They came back with passion! They were exposed to:
• Team building … realizing that it takes a team to reach the top of a mountain
• Culture awareness
• Leadership
• Community participation
• Science / environment education
And one of the key things for them was … dad wasn’t there! They were in an environment that was protective, nurturing, fun and educational. In this environment they learned valuable life lessons. Global Explorers gives students a strong foundation that will last a lifetime.
My friend Erik Weihenmayer got me involved in Global Explorers after our trek to the summit of Kilimanjaro in 2005. We reached the summit with five blind climbers – one of them being the first blind African to stand atop the continent’s highest mountain. After that climb we created the Kilimanjaro Blind Trust to enhance the lives of blind children in East Africa, enabling them to become integral members of their society.
Today, I’m on the board of Global Explorers because I truly believe in their ability to inspire passion in young people. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I’m not only a board member, but also a parent.
By: Ron Kubit, Global Explorers Board Member and Parent of Global Explorers Participants